Kopitiam Chat \\(^ _ ^)//

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Posting to Griffiths Primary School

Dear all,

I will no longer be teaching in GSPS, will be posted to Griffiths Primary School.
I have therefore created another blog for all my ex-pupils.


Please use that to contact me in future.

Thanks for all your patience with me in GSPS and I sincerely hope that all of you will do well in your coming PSLE next year!

Cheers... Mr Ang

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Inter-school On-the-Spot Scarecrow Design and Build Competition

Dear all,

Last Tuesday, a group of nine P5 pupils participated in the Inter-school On-the-Spot Scarecrow Design and Build competition organised by the Jurong Bird Park. We are pleased to announce that the team came in first in the competition.
Guess what!!! Some of you in P5.3 are involved!!!!
Are you able to identify who they are? Hee hee...
They had to put all the recycled materials together, create the necessary form and shapes, sprayed paint etc. to build the scarecrow all on their own. Teachers were not allowed to help on-site. They have done well and they had a great time.
Congrats and well-done!